Friday, December 31, 2021

Review Asal 2021

Buset ya bun udah mau 2022 aja.. Kayanya baru kemaren gue bikin post 1 Januari 2021 terus mikir, "Nanti mau update lagi ah buat 2022.." eh udah 2022 besok!!! Wkwkwk.

Lagi males nulis yang gimana-gimana jadi ini review asal 2021 aja buat jadi pengingat ke diri gue sendiri kalo gue nanti buka blog ini.

Hmm 2021 tuh.. definisi kaga berasa sih. Sebenernya berasa-berasa aja, tapi ya cepet banget aja gitu? Tiba-tiba gue udah presentasi lagi, gue gajian lagi, TWICE udah comeback lagi, gue gajian lagi, gue presentasi lagi, udah gajian lagi, TWICE comeback lagi, ya gitu aja terus.. Gue pernah dengerin podcast dan emang alasan waktu berlalu cepet banget bagi kita-kita (yang gue asumsikan udah seumuran gue atau lebih haha) tuh karena hidup kita sekarang udah monoton aja. Udah dikit hal baru yang dialami, jadi otak kita ga punya banyak check point. Bayangin aja dulu pas masih kecil, kayanya gue nunggu-nungguinnn banget ulang tahun lagi dsb dan berasa lama banget, tapi ya sekarang bhay aja ya kakk..

In General
Secara umum gue ga punya kesan yang mencolok banget sama 2021, karena cenderung gak ada bedanya sama 2020 dengan masih adanya Covid. 2020 was personally quite tough for me so in 2021 I learned to really manage my expectation and.. that's it. Kalo dibikin KPI, bisa dibilang 2021 ini KPI-nya mepet-mepet di atas target lah ya. So I'm quite content with 2021. Things got better. Things got answered. I was not a huge recluse like back in 2020, I gained some new acquaintances who I now dare call as friends. Meeting people like you is a huge blessing and I'm really thanking them for it. Love you lotssssss guys!

I am proud to say that now I get better at managing my sleep teehee. Gue sekarang bisa kayak tidur jam 10 malem gitu dan ga berasa guilty (damn work pressure, I miss college!) dan bisa bangun lebih pagi. Kalo lagi niat gue bener-bener bisa buka mata jam 6 pagi!

Going Outside
Man I miss going outside. Gue ada pergi 1-2 kali sebelum delta melanda Indonesia di Juli 2021 gitu (btw Juli juga pas banget keluarga gue ada yang positif.. so yeah). Setelah itu gue sempet hiatus beberapa bulan dari pergi-pergi ke luar dan akhirnya baru keluar lagi sekitar di bulan September? Huweee I really miss going out, meeting friends, etc. Gue merasa banget gue tuh introvert yang tetep butuh human interaction sih, lol. Gue sekarang punya jadwal main badminton rutin (buat jadi alasan ketemu aja sih wkwk but still), starting to say yes to meet-up invitation, etc. Though gue juga maintain untuk gak pake semua hari weekend gue ya, cape browww hahaha. Gue juga udah mulai pergi ke kantor seminggu sekali dan ini cukup clearing up so much confusions yang gue miliki. EYY gue juga ke Bali di pertengahan Desember kemarin, dapet tiket gratis dari DNA Pro lmao!

I'm still a big big big Koreaboo like in 2020 lol. Gue seperti sempat ada momen-momen rediscover lagu Indo yang oke, tapi urghhh the ONCE in me is too dominating guys. Hahaha. Di 2021 ini gue malah jadi being extra fond of some old albums of TWICE. Gue jadi menemukan lagu-lagu lama mereka yang sekarang jadi all time favorite gue. I don't think I will ever cease over TWICE, at least not anytime soon sih. TWICE kemarin abis online concert di tanggal 26 Desember 2021 dan KEREN BANGET!!! Sumpah gue pengen banget nonton offline concertnya dan gue akan mengusahakan banget sih kalo muncul di SEA. Meskipun begitu tetep akan complicated banget sekarang untuk international flight, jadi gue harap TWICE bisa ke Indo sih :')

I'm back to reading again. I joined this book club dan gue mulai baca-baca lagi to-read-list gue yang terbengkalai itu. I'm still cooking though gue sekarang lagi agak males untuk explore resep-resep baru. Gue masih belom berhasil bikin cacio e pepe btw hahaha susah banget itu menu! But I find that I actually enjoy cooking (not doing the dishes one!!!) dan yah ini cukup healing sih. Gue sekarang udah di posisi di mana gue nyaman dengan masak sehingga udah gak jaw-clenching berlebihan lagi huahaha (itu tanda-tanda kalo aku stress guys lmao). Eh iyaa, gue abis banget nyobain resepnya Chaeng yang Strawberry Santa. Gue berasa kena pelet karena udah bahannya mahal, gue kaga demen bahan2nya dan bagi gue ini kayak lo makan McFlurry pake kentang pula. I'm not a sweet tooth! But I will try anyway for Chaeng haha aku merasa harus banget meramaikan hashtag dia, I'm making this my personal mission LOL.

I think that's all for now???? Gak banyak mikir emang gue pas nulis ini hahahaha. I just wish 2022 will be a greater year. I don't have any particular goal for 2022 honestly buttttt I will try to be a more organized person.

See you!

Friday, January 1, 2021

To Judge Less

Hi again in yet another year! We have finally reached 2021!

I know I should've probably blogged about this on the last day of 2020, but I just couldn't find the time yesterday hehe so let me have it now. In this post, I will do a brief recap on how 2020 went for me.

2020 is indeed a weird year. So many bizarre and unthinkable things happened in 2020, it's almost hard to believe. Covid-19 suddenly happened in 2020 (and is still so real until now..) and it has a huge impact on everyone's life.

Personally, I have been on the luckier side of Covid-19 impact. My company has kindly let us do work from home with almost no benefit-cut. Although we were on quarantine, I am also basically a homebody who loves to stay too much. In this pandemic, somehow I also got another distraction (in the form of TWICE LOL). This might seem tone-deaf, but I think I am, personally, happier. Sure, I miss lots of things such as dining out, but those things are outweighed by other things I gained.

That's why, I honestly have a much more neutral view on how I see our new-normal (not normal because this isn't how we are supposed to do normal, but you get what I mean).

In the first months of Covid, people were divided between those who could stay at home and those who couldn't because of some reason. In the months after, however, the segregation is mostly those who decided to go out, and those who called them idiots hahaha.. and I think.. we need to understand other's shoes better.

As someone who mostly is just lazy to go out but giving out Covid reason when rejecting people's invitation to go out, I totally feel it is out of place to call people out for going out. People do have their limits and when so many need to go out just because they have to work, it's hard to live under the impression that going out is as taboo as it was months before. Therefore, I really have nothing against people going out, tbh.. But what I'm most upset is when people don't treat 'going out' as if there is still a very real pandemic going on! There were one or two instances in which I go out with car, and wow the number of people going out without masks is so frightening. They didn't even care about social distancing which is very worrisome.. While I agree that some people can't stand to not go out, but please, wear masks!!! --> this is something you can't bargain.

Another lesson on not to judge people I got from.. kpop. LMAO this is quite self-explanatory so I won't go too long about this. I could not understand before how people can love someone so remotely unavailable for them, but I do now. LOL.

Never judge people until you were in their shoes and may we live 2021 with even less prejudice with each other.

(I know this post is such a blabber hahaha it was intended to be deeper but I got distracted so I can only write this much)