Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Happy birthday to me..

Iya, ini tanggal 12 Mei buat teman-teman yang tidak punya kalender di luar sana. Beberapa waktu lalu, saya mematikan notifikasi ulang tahun saya di facebook. Iseng sih, saya cuma penasaran, kalau saya matikan apakah ada yang ingat ulang tahun saya?

Ternyata, ucapan tahun ini sepi sekali.. eaaa baper. Duh, enggak sih. Parahnya lagi adalah saya sendiri lupa pernah iseng mematikan notifikasi ulang tahun itu. :') Jadinya, sempat bingung-bingung gitu, "eh ini teh sumpahan nggak ada yang minat untuk buka profile gue bentar?" and believe it or not saking sepinya, gue sampe google "my birthday notification on facebook is not showing", yang puji Tuhan, akhirnya membuat saya teringat. Eh, tapi lucu juga sih. Ada yang curhat: "why aren't people getting my birthday notification? It makes me feel unloved :(" HAHAHA LOL, but I feel you..

Tapi ya engga kenapa-kenapa atuh, yang penting diucapin sama Google..

Makasih, loh, padahal kita engga temenan di facebook.
Eh, tapi kan kamu tahu isi hati aku (?) WKWK APASIH

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Sometimes you've got to bleed to know, that you're alive and have a soul

That was the lyric to Tear in My Heart by twenty one pilots. But tonight, it wasn't just some mere lyric from a very catchy song. I've been singing and listening to this song to have myself reminded, that it's okay.



Hahaha nah, that was a lame side-joke from The Fault in Our Stars.

As you have known from my previous post, today, May 9th 2015, is the deciding day of SNMPTN announcement.

That red box.. Haha.
No matter how many times I refreshed that page, it just wouldn't show me a green box.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Good songs are lyf!

It's D-1 to SNMPTN announcement, I know I've said like zillion times that I didn't quite expect to get enrolled through that non-test way. But still, I'm feeling anxious.

So instead, I'm about to share you the current song-of-my-heart today.

This one is kinda funny and idiot (?) though, but I found it catchy.