When we were little, filling out personal information or biodata on our friends' binder was such a trend. I remember this suddenly because yesterday one of my friends posted her binder on Instagram and wow it did bring back memories!
This is yet another random thought from me.
I was just scrolling Instagram and I realized that during this WFH, I did buy or do a lot of things that I like. I like pasta a lot, so I buy so many pasta ingredients and explore so many recipes to make pasta on my own. I like noodles so much so I was almost always spontaneously buy noodles when my friends sell them (during WFH, so many people become sellers haha). I like dimsums and just now I bought dimsums from my friends!
Today, my idol has just released new songs. I can tell that I like their b-tracks but I haven't really
become obsessed with the title track. I can also tell that even though their MV is superb, I still prefer other groups' MV concept.
Linking this back to my introduction, growing up I wasn't someone who has strong preferences of something. When I filled the MaFav or MiFav part, I just add food that I tried before or sounded cool, I didn't really have something favorite that time, though.
I realized that now, I can finally have preferences over something. I am still a very agreeable person to the point that I think that this is my weakness. I don't know, is it my pacifist self over compromising things? Or just like favorite foods or favorite drinks or favorite MV, probably I should just try to explore more things so I can have better opinions on things, thus being less agreeable and more critical on things?
And like other #random tagged posts should be, this is where I will end this random self-reflection.
(Wow, WFH really gives me time to reflect on things and actually write them here!)
BONUS (added per June 4)
You know I love to re-read my own writing and suddenly I found this page on my blog where I talked about myself. You can see the cringe page
here and if you are wondering why it has '(2)' that's.. because I have the original About Me version that is much much moreeeeeeeeee cringey. :)
SO I dare myself to ready that cringey post and oh what the hell how.. could.. I.. even.. think.. of writing that!?!?!?! It's soo sooo bad and self-conceited omg I don't know 10th grader me was THAT pathetic. Ew.
Why I decided to add a bonus part here after rereading that page is because I found this part:
excerpt from my About Me (1) that was so so so so cringey |
EXACTLY! I wrote myself a biodata! And you can see there just how basic and mainstream my favorite things were... duh I clearly hadn't been exploring the world. Also 'profesi yang ditetapkan Tuhan Yesus' what the hell man hahahahaha it's like I gave up in actually deciding things on myself and wanted to just accept anything my parents wanted but justifying that it was all God's fate lol. Though not gonna lie that following what my parents wanted worked quite okay for me now, but just I really did not look up into any other choices at that time! Hahahaha.